How to Use Controversy to Get High-Quality Links

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Controversy gets links. Brands that understand their audience can take advantage of taking controversial stands. If you know how your audience feels about a particular issue, taking a stand on that issue only reinforces your brand’s relevance to your target customers. Savvy Brands Take Stands Brands like Ben & Jerry’s, Patagonia, Heineken, Starbucks, and many others […]

Chatbots 2019 – Why It’s Good For Business

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The State of Chatbots 2018 Report January 17, 2019 I was inspired to dive into the subject of chatbots after finding The 2018 State of Chatbots Report which describes how chatbots are reshaping online experiences. Yet, I thought to myself, do most people really even know what this technology is? A chatbot is a computer program using AI designed […]

5 Ways to Optimize Your WordPress Site

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A website is never finished. I always like to tell myself that when it launches, I never have to see it again. But in reality, a website should constantly need attention and care. Think of it as a baby – it’s a long commitment that you never really get rid of. There are always ways […]

Nine Useful Guides to Guest Blogging

woman typing a blog post on her laptop

Guest blogging: the horrible red-headed stepchild of online marketing. Guest blogging is one of the best ways to start conversations about great content. Yet lots of people don’t like to write, and many more don’t even know-how. One of society’s most common problems consists of not knowing the difference between “your” and “you’re,” as well […]

5 Quick Tips on Enhancing Your Web Analytics

man on a laptop optimizing his website code

Many people may look at Web Analytics and think “Oh, so boring.” But it was a packed house at the DFWSEM’s August meeting.  The truth is, web analytics is the key to determining ROI and gauging your marketing efforts. So for a room filled with online marketing professionals, we were on the edge of our […]

Understanding The Search Engine Language

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There are many opportunities in Internet marketing to show search engines exactly what they need to see in order to deliver the best search returns for their users. A popular topic in past months has been semantic markup, or search engine language that defines specific sections of a page. This gives you the ability to […]

How to Integrate Hubspot and Gravity Forms into WordPress

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UPDATE 3/26/12 Hubspot has just released an easier way on integrating Hubspot and Gravity Forms into WordPress. Google has always been my best friend when it comes to development woes, but in this scenario, I was treading unknown grounds. Keyword upon keyword, I found little to no insight on integrating Hubspot and Gravity forms into […]

3 Tips and Tools for Efficient Web Development

coding a website on a laptop that sits on a desktop

This is the first in a series of posts on efficient web development. Subscribe to our blog or check back for future updates and posts. At WrightIMC, we’re always looking for ways to improve our productivity. Whether this means optimizing code, or debugging errors more rapidly—efficiency is something we can all work on improving. Luckily, […]

The 5 Benefits of a WordPress Site

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Web presence is typically a term haplessly strewn across conference room tables when discussing a new website. Everyone wants to ensure their new site packs web presence. Unbeknownst to the jargon droppers, however, is that a website cannot create web presence. Sure, it’s a start but at the end of the day people will only […]

Google Analytics: How to Export All Keywords to CSV File

a computer screen with a menu up on it for exporting a csv file

If you’re using Google Analytics, it is likely that you already understand the power of knowing the keywords that brought visitors to your site. Keyword research is a powerful tool, and getting all of your keywords into a CSV file for easy reading is critical. The new version of Google Analytics that is currently in beta […]