Many people may look at Web Analytics and think “Oh, so boring.” But it was a packed house at the DFWSEM’s August meeting. The truth is, web analytics is the key to determining ROI and gauging your marketing efforts. So for a room filled with online marketing professionals, we were on the edge of our seats to scoop up any helpful tips Jennifer Day and Tyson Kirksey were willing to share.
1. Integrate All of Your Systems
The majority of companies are not just using one method of promotion. There are SEO, social media and offline promotions that affect your site’s metrics. Integrating them all into your analytics and using tagging will help you see how your efforts are impacting your ROI.
2. Using Multi-Channel Funnels
About a year ago, Google introduced Multi-Channel Funnels reports that can be found in the conversions tab. It can show you how your marketing efforts work together to create sales and conversions. By taking this data in, you can see which channels are generating the most ROI and allocate your budget accordingly.
3. Set Values for Goals
You want to set goals so you can test and measure the page values on your site. Page Value, as defined by Google is, “The average value of this page or set of pages.” It is determined based on a simple formula:
(Transaction Revenue + Total Goal Value) /Unique Pageviews
The best thing about this metric is that you can figure out your best revenue pages and try to drive up those low performing pages.
4. Always B Testing
For those slightly out of the loop, Google Webmaster Tools has been integrated into Google Analytics and is now called Content Experiments. With this new integration, Google has made it much simpler to A/B test pages on your site.
5. Get A Little Meta Once a Month
It’s easy to set up your analytics and then forget or become complacent about it. Like all other aspects of our industry, Google Analytics is always changing. Make a commitment to step back once a month from the data and look at it as a whole. Take a look at where weaknesses might be hurting your conversions and look to improve those areas. Analytics requires maintenance if you want your website to do what you want and I think we can all agree that it is to be profitable.
If you’re not plugged into an organization like DFWSEM, I highly recommend that you do. Also, you can follow our speakers @jdaysy and @tysonkirksey. They’re definitely not question shy after speaking in front of the DFWSEM crowd.