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How to Avoid Having Your Data Held Hostage

data on printed out papers being held

Imagine that you detect a few issues with the accounting firm that manages your books. You decide to hire a third party to independently review their work. However, when you request access to your books, the firm refuses to provide it. As a business owner, you might be compelled to fire or even sue this […]

Why Aren’t You Using Call Tracking Already?

person on the phone in their office

I believe that dynamic call tracking is one of the best resources a company can have if the company supports leads over the phone. It can help solve many problems, including provide proper attribution, and it saves companies far more than the minimal monthly fees. In full disclosure, I receive no rewards or benefits from, […]

Help A Reporter Spam? Is Google Targeting Help a Reporter Out(HARO) Links?

hands typing on a laptop

My friend Bill Hartzer has created quite a kerfuffle in the SEO industry over the last couple of days. For those of you that haven’t been keeping up, Bill has been working with a client after their site received a manual penalty from Google for unnatural links – for the non-SEOs among us, that means […]

CES Gadgets and the Future of Internet Marketing

analytics on a laptop screen

Since 1967 the CEA (Consumers Electronics Association) has been putting on the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) during the second week of January. The CES is held for companies in the tech industry to show off their latest work for their peers and the public to see. If you’re a tech lover like me, you’re […]

A Simple Formula for Building Authority

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We still call links “the currency of the Internet.” Most of our SEO and content marketing tactics are still aimed at earning links back to our website, or our clients’ websites, in order to show an “authority signal” to search engines, so they will rank the sites higher in search results for given phrases. Earning […]

Are You Being Watched By Your Favorite Retailer?

three coworkers looking at the same computer screen

Have you ever been walking through one of your favorite retailers and all of a sudden you feel your phone vibrating to alert you of an email that has just come through? You open it and all of a sudden a coupon from the retailer – that you are currently standing in – shows up. […]

Lessons Marketers can Learn from Video Game Advertising & Marketing

two people playing video games

Before there were video game consoles, there were coin-operated arcade games. In the 1930s there were pinball machines, and in the 1970s the modern video arcade machine was born. The first home console, the Magnavox Odyssey, came in 1972. In 2013, we’re moving into the eighth generation of home video game consoles, with the PlayStation […]

Digital Marketing Agencies – Today’s Non-Tangible KPIs

coworkers discussing kpis and goals

After a couple of decades, most of us understand that the online landscape is going to be ever-changing. Internally, businesses are beginning to appreciate the amount of ongoing effort it takes to maintain online visibility – and the power of good online marketing. Many businesses now understand that they need to be versed in terms such […]

Is Bingiton Working?

person working on laptop with analytics on screen

Recently Microsoft’s search engine, Bing, ran a campaign much like the Pepsi Challenge where they claimed people who tried Bing like it more than Google with a 2:1 ratio. This didn’t really surprise me as I prefer Bing for some types of queries, such as local (they are the default search on my Google Android […]