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Social Media is Like Sex – ASE Live-Blog

social media feed

Social media is a lot like sex. If you want a meaningful relationship out of it, you don’t ask for it before introducing yourself. If you want more than a one night stand, you have to work for it if. If you want it on a regular basis, you have to put in the time […]

The Elevator Pitch, Unique Selling Propositions, and Your Content

marketing team in a meeting doing elevator pitches

Everybody at WrightIMC knows that I abhor the use of the word “content” to describe the information that businesses and marketers use to appeal to customers online. Content is what settles in a box during shipping. It’s a number you put in a field on a spreadsheet. Content takes the soul out of the stories […]

Online Marketing: More Than Just Banner Ads

facebooks ads being added to website

Did you know that every second, 105 people look up the term “SEO” on Google? If this is true and if this number is growing, why is online marketing largely associated with banner ads? It fascinates me because I never heard any mention, not even once, of this SEO phenomenon throughout my four-year pursuit of […]

Direct & Immediate Effects of Author Rank Part 2

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This part two of our three of our series on Google’s Author Rank. To recap what we’ve already discussed: Author Rank is Google’s way of qualifying a writer’s authority on a topic. Google’s Panda = site quality. Author Rank = author quality. Google will judge your online reputation with the type of content you create. […]

Google Author Rank: Part 1, Measuring Influence

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Google’s Author Rank is exactly what it sounds like: Google’s algorithmic rank of a particular author’s authority. Author Rank essentially enables online authors to become more visible, and at the same time, use their identity as a factor for ranking pages and sites. The Panda update pushed out by Google acts as a site quality […]

What Jersey Shore Can Teach SEOs About Outreach

coworkers having a conversation

There are people out there who believe Jersey Shore is the biggest waste of airtime since Fox started airing reruns of M*A*S*H (Seriously, who is still watching that show?). I’d argue, however, there are some valuable lessons SEOs can learn about SEO outreach from the mistakes and philosophies of the rowdy, promiscuous cast. There’s nothing […]

‘Hacking’ Search Rankings with PPC

man on desktop computer looking at facebook

Getting to the top of the Google search results is a tough task. Depending on the term, it can take months of building relationships, creating content, and writing to get the ranking you want. When you start an SEO campaign, your rankings likely aren’t as great as you’d like. But thanks to Google’s AdWords program, […]

What Does Google AuthorRank Mean for SEO’ers?

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We’re Going Back to High School – Where Your Reputation Matters Yep, Google has yet another update and it certainly won’t be the last. Google AuthorRank is sure to make a huge impact on how we and our clients rank in the SERPs. AuthorRank and SEO It’s Google’s job to point out the most relevant […]

We Didn’t Start the Fire!

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When it comes to crazy people there is no question, like Bigfoot, designer snuggies and Channing Tatum’s sex tape, they’re out there. We just hope that we never find them (well, maybe with the exception of the last one). For every social media professional it’s the outreach conundrum: To increase your klout you have to […]