Are you “Fit to be Found?” Joe Laratro, President of Tandem Interactive wants to make sure. He has developed what he calls as the SEO Diet. And let’s just say, at first glance it can have you sweating.
SEO is a long term process. There are some aspects that can be fixed but overall it’s a lifestyle change that requires some investment. A lifestyle change for your SEO is where you will see the most results.
The Metaphor
Protein = Link building
Carbohydrates = content
Lean lipids = social media
Steroids = link buys
- Illegal
- Fast results
- Potential long term side effects
SEO Diet week 1
Day 1: Analytics should be in place register the sites with the Google webmaster tools, YSE, Bing Webmaster Central.
Day 2: Register the site with DMOZ, Yahoo directory and Best of the Web.
Day 3: Benchmark current pages, indexed benchmark, amount of back links, benchmark Google page rank, benchmark amount of keywords referring, free search traffic, benchmark amount of traffic from free search.
Day 4: Download Gsitecralwer and crawl the website, examine duplicate content, error pages, export Meta tags
Day 5: Analyze meta tags in relevance to individual page content
SEO Diet – Week 2
Day 1: Optimize Meta tags
Day 2: Optimize content
Day 3: Analyze internal inking structure
Day 4: Analyze inbound or external linking structure. Do you have a good link portfolio?
Day 5: Optimize on-site links.
SEO Diet – Week 3
- Begin link building campaign
- Write 5 variations of tittles and descriptions for directories
- Research and submit to five free directories
- Research and submit to three paid directories
- Engage four social media sites and build out optimized profiles. Stay away from the major sites for linkbuilding
SEO Diet – Week 4
- Complete optimizing meta tags for existing site
- Complete and optimize content for existing site
- Set up a blog
- Create a press release
SEO diet – 1 month review
- Architecture
- Content
- Linking
SEO diet – 2 – 4 month review
Content plan
- 2 pages per week
- 4 blog posts per week
- 1 press release per month
The link building plan
- 2 hrs per week
- Weekly and month monitoring
- Implementation tracking
Every 6 months Get a Personal Trainer
- Hire consultants /search agencies to audit your the work
- Develop new strategies
- Change up the routine
- Get latest techniques
Conference Time
- PubCON
- BlogWorld, Affiliate summit, ad tech. Switch it up – try and go to different ones each year.
- Market Motive
Content Rules
- Must be unique
- Should be well written
- 200 words is a good target for content on a web page
- Do not use automated programs to develop content with plugged in keywords
- Segments of content should not repeat across web pages
- Keep I fresh – regular new content is a sign of a strong web site
- Geocentric content needs more than a few words changed from page to page
- Most important keywords should appear towards the top of the HTML version of the page.
- Build the content for the user first and search engine spider secondly.
- Keyword density should be between 4% – 12%
- Keyword should be mentioned in the content at least once (twice is better)
- Do not hide text or use very small text on a web page
- Form based content needs more than a few words changed from page to page.
Content to develop
- Editorials
- Newsletters
- White Papers
- Press Releases
- Custom Content
- Creative Content (pictures, videos, category pages, checklists)
- Vanity content (contests, pictures, client stories, featured clients, link mentions)