Relax Everyone. Google’s Paid Data Isn’t Going Away

woman working on ppc ads on her laptop

I’m sure everyone has read the updates about Google blocking paid search data: Not Provided Slams Paid Search. Here it comes, the sky is falling. Nothing will be the same. Well, my suspicion is that it won’t be so bad. Let me walk you through it… This is about queries, not keywords: In an organic […]

Do the Right Thing: Lead Volume vs. Quality

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Or, how much should you focus on either? A month or so ago, a former client of mine at a law firm asked me to consult for them about their current marketing company. They wanted to make sure that they were getting what they were supposed to be getting. They were mostly asking for SEO […]

Your Search Ads Are Losing Money: Stop The Bleeding!

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We all know the gig. You add keywords, also known as positive keywords, and then you create relevant text ads that users will see when they search using queries that trigger those keywords. Of course, you need settings, bids, daily budgets, and so-on and so-forth. After you put the ads online you go back and […]

4 Critical Flaws in Bing Advertising You Need to Know About

three coworkers discussing PPC campaign

Bing Advertising (now know as Microsoft Advertising) has made great strides over the last couple of years. I hate to slam what is an otherwise sophisticated system, which has proven itself a quality advertising platform. Its greatest flaw is that it just can’t deliver enough traffic. But, the problems I have experienced with it lately […]

eBay’s Attack on Branded Terms: Why You Should Ignore the Hype

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On Thursday, BBC ran a story about the findings from an eBay report that claimed “paying for advertising in the form of keywords on search engines has little effect on sales.” The story is actually misleading, as the 25-page report from eBay is primarily relating to branded terms. The authors of the research made this claim: […]

How to Link Google AdWords & Analytics to Get More Data (With Screenshots)

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For search engine marketers (SEMs), data is king. More data represents a better understanding of our accounts, more efficiency, and ultimately, better results. Google offers a number of data tools, including Google AdWords data and Google Analytics. Most SEMs are aware of these tools and use them on a daily basis, but very few use […]

Online Marketing: More Than Just Banner Ads

facebooks ads being added to website

Did you know that every second, 105 people look up the term “SEO” on Google? If this is true and if this number is growing, why is online marketing largely associated with banner ads? It fascinates me because I never heard any mention, not even once, of this SEO phenomenon throughout my four-year pursuit of […]

‘Hacking’ Search Rankings with PPC

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Getting to the top of the Google search results is a tough task. Depending on the term, it can take months of building relationships, creating content, and writing to get the ranking you want. When you start an SEO campaign, your rankings likely aren’t as great as you’d like. But thanks to Google’s AdWords program, […]

Affiliate Playbook 2012 Edition Part I

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Jeremy Palmer is a veteran when it comes to speaking at internet marketing conferences. He is a vocal supporter and advocate for the performance marketing industry. Jeremy’s e-books, webinars, affiliate playbook,  and videos have been watched by thousands of affiliates. In his session, Affiliate Playbook 2012 Edition, Jeremy discussed 12 plays your affiliate business needs […]

Spend Google’s Money: Google AdWords Grants

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Becoming an expert at Google AdWords can reap massive dividends. Companies in every industry, of every size, have used Google’s PPC program to boost both site traffic and site sales. Yet, many companies remain on the fence, willing to learn but not willing to potentially waste money with poor ads. However, if you work with […]