Cheap SEO costs too much.

coworkers having a discussion

It’s smart to be frugal. You want the best deal you can get. After all, if you can get something cheaper somewhere else, wouldn’t you? I understand. There are very few times when I buy a product, either online or in a store, that I don’t look for the best price. I mean, if I’m […]

The SEO Community needs to start acting like Third Graders

  This year, my oldest son entered third grade. This is strange for me because I remember third grade vividly. I remember my teacher’s name, what the room looked like, and I can name everyone that was in my class. In fact, I still keep up with many of them on Facebook. I remember third […]

Are you wasting money by saving money?

SEO opportunity costs, don’t knock them when they come to the door. Within 15 minutes of meeting a new business prospect, I can predict how difficult it will be to show them success. The level of difficulty to achieve a positive return from WrightIMC has little to do with the product the prospect is offering […]

Were you affected by the latest Google Places changes?

From time to time, Google makes a change to their algorithm or their data delivery without discussing it publicly – beforehand or after the implementation. We usually catch on by noticing an unexplainable trend across clients that are completely unrelated, and with the clients of other agencies that are trusted and reliable providers. That scenario […]

Google’s New Documentation Penalty?

google sign on building

I hate paper. There, I said it. Anyone who knows me and loves me understands that I live in constant organized chaos. In elementary school, I had a Trapper Keeper that held all of my papers. They stuck out the sides, and to the layperson looked like a big mess. However, as long as someone […]