WrightIMC Experiences TEDxKIDS Part 2

Peter Thum “You can turn your dreams into reality. Even if you don’t know what you want to do, your dream is out there.” We keep the speaker coverage moving with Peter Thum. He begins by building on the epiphany theme. When he was younger, he thought he would be a doctor after his father […]
WrightIMC Experiences TEDxKIDS Part 1

Just sitting in the Wyly Theater watching the behind the scenes work of TEDxSMU Kids is exciting enough. But the theater hasn’t sold out just for the purpose of being here. As if sponges are drawn to water, attendees have gathered to soak up knowledge and participate in this exclusive experience. Although the theater is […]
WrightIMC Takes on TEDxSMU

Who are the thought leaders of the future? TedxSMU is on a mission to discover these individuals and bring their innovative ideas to the forefront of groundbreaking discussion – but there can only be one. Over the course of a couple of hours, 11 participants battle it out to fill the last slot in the […]