Digital Marketing News Roundup – November 5, 2021

Digital marketing news roundup graphic with icons around a circle

Digital Roundup - A collection of images.We caught a few things going on in the digital marking world during the week of November 1, 2021, and here are some highlights …

Our own Tony Wright shared some insights into getting negative content off page 1 of search results in the “Ask an SEO” feature on Search Engine Journal. One important thing to remember if facing a situation like this: There is no magic bullet that will fix the issue.

Paddy Moogan shares some very interesting information about long-form website content in a recent article on the Moz blog. Although this article was written from the standpoint of building links, there are also some interesting aspects to content marketing outlined. Oftentimes, brands will reject long-form content due to the belief that “people don’t want to read.” On the contrary, people will read longer content when it’s appropriate to the topic, well written, and it will answer their questions. Another key aspect to this: the search engines eat this stuff up. When planning your content strategy, make sure to include a mix of short answers, video, audio, and long-form text content.

Citing privacy concerns, Facebook announced that they will stop using facial recognition in their services and delete the data associated with it. This is a very interesting move on their part.

Google announced that they are releasing a new update to combat spam in their search results. Google makes changes to its search algorithms on a constant basis and doesn’t always announce them. This is a key reason why websites should always follow best practices for content, architecture, links, and user experience. The more a site aligns with best practices, the less likely they are to get hit by an update.


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