We have big news to announce today and several WrightIMC clients to congratulate.
Last night at the Dallas/Fort Worth American Marketing Association Marketer of the Year awards, WrightIMC and Kalkomey won Best Social/Viral Campaign for the 2013 Hunter-ed.com social media marketing campaign. The DFW AMA panel of judges also judged the Kalkomey campaign to be the best campaign of the year, and named WrightIMC and Kalkomey 2014 Marketer of the Year.
Meanwhile, across town at the Dallas/Fort Worth Interactive Marketing Association Excellence in Interactive Marketing Awards, WrightIMC and One Specialty won the Most Effective Online Brand Awareness campaign for One Specialty’s new site, logo, and SEO program. WrightIMC and Kalkomey also won the Most Effective Use of Social Media award for the 2013 Hunter-ed.com campaign. The DFWIMA judges also awarded WrightIMC the Best of Show because we had the top scoring entry in the program.
WrightIMC won the two biggest advertising/marketing awards, on the same night, in the fourth largest market in the country. We are very proud that a panel of peers in the industry recognized the thoughtfulness and hard work that we and our clients put into these campaigns. We’re even more proud, though, of the measurable success that they delivered for One Specialty and Kalkomey. And, we’re elated that we have great clients who will allow us to do great work.
It’s like pulling teeth around here to get people to stop working on client marketing for a minute in order to write up and submit these awards. We don’t do what we do to win awards. We do great work to make our clients more successful. However, today I must say – it’s nice to have 5 new, shiny trophies in our office.
We also want to congratulate two of our clients that won awards last night for separate campaigns. SCA Interactive won the Mobile Marketing award for their Conoco Phillips Instant Win Game, and the American Heart Association won for best New Product/Service launch.
Again, we’re so appreciative of our outstanding clients, and personally I’m so proud of everyone at our agency. Thank you all.